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10 Ways to Create Happiness

Live in the moment.

Stressing about the past won’t make you happy. Worrying about the future won’t make you happy. Focus your energy on the present. Think about it, now is all you have, all the actions you can do will be about the “NOW.”

Be Thankful – practice gratitude.

If you’re finding it hard to live in the moment, focus on the good things that every moment brings. A roof above your head, food on your plate, a healthy body, a happy family. Make a list of these things then take a mental picture.

 Focus on your “happy place.”

Your happy place can be anything. Close your eyes and visualize yourself sitting on the beach listening to the waves, a concert with your favorite music, sitting in the woods listening to the birds, or somewhere with your loved one.

“I take love, peace, kindness, and happiness with me wherever I go.”

 Know what you can and cannot control.

Have the courage to change what you can change… strength to accept what you cannot… and wisdom to know the difference.

Control your thoughts with affirmations, visualization, and relaxation. That way, you’ll always be relaxed, no matter what happens.

 Be silly, like a child.

When was the last time you laughed for silly reasons—like a child?  If you can, try this: lie down outside on your back, stare up the trees and the sky. See how awesome it feels!  Also, try closing your eyes and smile – for no reason. Just turn the corners of your mouth up. Think of the last time you, or a child in your presence, giggled uncontrollably. Let the laughter permeate your body.

Take your dog out for a walk!

When was the last time you took your dog out for a walk and enjoyed it? Not because he should have some exercise, or that you should have some exercise, but just for the fun that it brings? Take pictures of your dog smelling the flowers, playing by the grass. Etc. Get out of your own life by watching his life.

Give time.

This is an important one. When you give others your time, you’ll feel instantly better.Contribute to any cause that you feel passionate about. Get to know people. Smile. Make people feel wanted and make them feel that they matter. Because they really do. Focus on what you can do for someone else. And make a commitment to do it every week, or every month, whichever works for you.

Repeat this mantra:  I make a positive difference in people’s lives, and they make a positive difference in mine.

Finger paint.

Get a little dirty! Grab some paper or a canvas and paint. (The local Dollar Tree has supplies.) Use your fingers to swirl the colors. Make your fingers flow with on the canvas. If you don’t have paint, make some Instant Vanilla and/or Chocolate pudding. Don’t worry about getting dirty! Enjoy the wetness on your fingers. Be a kid again.


Maybe you’d rather write it out. Why are you stressed? What can you do to make it better? Write a mock letter to the person or thing that is stressing you out. Write freely, without any reservations about what to say. Don’t worry about grammar or being nice. The very act of writing your feeling down can help you to understand and minimize the stress. Then, if it helps, burn the letter.

Get to know where you came from.

Ask an older member of your family about his/her life back then. You might learn something new about a time gone by. This is a way to gain perspective about yourself, the people around you, and the world.

Final Thought.

Happiness is something we generate inside. It’s never in the hands of other people to give you happiness. When you realize you have the power to create your own happiness, you are a winner! Daily repeat the mantra, “All of life comes to me with ease, joy and glory.”

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